Amen to that brother

Truer words are seldom or never spoken at all. Although this sign is stating the horrid truth and reminding you of the week ahead, it also reminds you that you are not alone in the rat race. The weekend is around the corner. Some have even called the days during the week a hostage situation and that pairs well with the sentiments shared on this sign. Some argue that the weekend is too short and in all fairness, this is true. I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone during the 5 hard days after a weekend.
Toddlers can get lost in there

I do not know what is funnier between the fact that almost no one reads this label or that someone took time out of their day to include this funny statement. But the sign can also serve as a reminder to parents that promised to put their children in the washer and tumble drying them. Although you might sometimes feel as if you want to throw your toddler into the washing machine, it is probably not the best idea. The label is just there to remind you that your current rage is only temporary and you will love your kids again.