Nemo is wishing for Darla

If you have a golden fish at home as a pet, ensure that it is far away from the site because a restaurant owner out there is out for precious fish’s blood. Poor Nemo had it good when he only had to face Darla. We offer great credit to this restaurant owner, who played off the movie to name his fried fish establishment. Poor Nemo now has to try and dodge a whole kitchen, which is trying to fry him. How he must be wishing for the fish tank in the dentist’s office instead of the hot grease popping under his fins.
Do the Hokey Pokey

There are some people who have the skill of extracting humor from a delicate situation. Whoever made this sign should get some kind of award. Their use of a pun to lighten the mood of a very serious issue deserves some credit. If someone with a hokey-pokey addiction saw this, they might even be inspired to simply turn themselves around. This sign makes it seem so easy to turn around and not do the deed anymore but who knows, maybe with great determination and inspiration you can. Kudos to the guy who made the sign for breaking the habit and turning himself around!