Laugh when you see someone in distress

“If you see someone drown, laugh out loud (lol)” and then consider calling 911 after laughing hysterically. Although this sign isn’t meant to be funny, you have to see the humor in it. Although I don’t think the 911 operator is going to take you seriously when you laugh while trying to tell them that someone is drowning. At least you did your best to follow the instructions that were given. Hopefully, whenever you see someone drowning, you will call 911 directly and maybe laugh just a little bit afterward once the person has been saved from the ordeal.
The 2016 elections

During the 2016 elections, some voters saw some campaign lawn-signs that were more factual instead of enticing more voters. One of them read, “Everybody sucks, we’re screwed 2016”/ It didn’t matter who you wanted to vote for, there was no silver lining to the dark cloud of the 2016 elections. This guy didn’t want to beat around the bush. He made sure that people knew exactly how he felt about the candidates. It was like choosing between two lesser evils. Maybe he skipped the vote altogether. Who knows, perhaps the next elections will have much better candidates and this guy will not feel the need to rant this way.