The dull, sharp sign

The sharp edges of this sign are probably so important that they are ones cautioned in bold, visible font. Try as you may, you are never going to find the sharp edge that the sign warns you about. While you investigate, you might come across the fine print that tells you that the bridge is out. Not like that is in any way important. Maybe the sign did have sharp edges until someone decided to trim them, making this sign inaccurate. Makes you wonder about what else it may be inaccurate with, does the bridge even exist?
The kinda motel you only see in dreams

I guess there might be some truth to the sign. When you are in the middle of nowhere and need a bit of a rest, then anything more than a solid concrete slab for a bed might be seen as a luxury. Maybe they were going for the ‘less is more’ strategy. I would like to know the number of star ratings motels have out in the desert. Perhaps they reach all the way up to 10 stars. But at least they had the common decency to point out the direction of the motel instead of just letting you guess.