Only in Japan

Who knew that taking a leak would be artistic and poetic but in Japan, that seems to be the case. The Japanese people are a proud nation and they pride themselves I doing everything to the best of their ability. Even going to the loo seems to be an art form that needs to be mastered. If you do not have the ability to urinate elegantly and with precision, do not use our loo! What’s more, is that they always phrase things so delicately as well. It beats the normal harsh admonishing that you find everywhere else.
Well, if you put it that way…

Maybe sometimes the president just perceives his constituents as a bunch of 4th graders that do not even know how to color within the lines. If that is the case, this sign just lived up to his expectations because it sounds like something a 4th grader would say. I get it, sometimes you don’t see eye to eye with your president. This guy seems to be quite desperate. Somehow, I don’t think that if people promised to be good that everyone would listen. Sorry dude, you are going to have to stick it out with your current president for the next couple of years.