
When Holiday Snaps Go Horribly Wrong


This looks like a great spot for a family photo

This looks like a great spot for a family photo
source: Imgur

People find the strangest places to take their family photos and this is no exception. Why they decided to stand in front of the Welcome sign of the state, only they would know. They almost seem as if they have accomplished a great feat in their travels. They even arranged themselves in descending order. The real twist here is not the location they have chosen for the family photo rather it’s the youngest one that you need to spot. She is the one of the lot who will one day look back at the photo and go WTF, where was I?

2PAC is my hero

2PAC Tattoo on arm
source: Imgur

Tattoos are great, but only on certain people and only if the artist knows what he or she is doing. What people do with their bodies is their own business, but there has to be an objective close friend who will tell you that you are going down a dark and winding road. Nevertheless, if this lady were to tell you that she was a 2PAC fan, most people would probably say whatever. But when she lofts that sleeve, their reactions would probably turn to Oh Dang!!! Full marks for keeping the legend alive. That’s the true definition of a true fan. Kudos, woman!
