If it’s in a photo, it has to be art

If you don’t move in the artistic circles, it is hard to determine what can be considered as art and whatnot. This particular fellow believed that he was about to take the photo of the year which would go viral and win him accolades from all parts of the world. The striking pose and facial expression tell us that he is on to something and has to share it with the world. Maybe he is a serious activist trying to portray the irony of the garbage on the garbage bin. You never know with these artistic types. What you think is just worldish for them.
Nothing can make them smile

Disney Land is like the ultimate destination for a family getaway. There is no way that you cannot have a blast while you are there. At least, that is what you would think before seeing this photo. If anything, this family looks as though they were sent to a refugee camp for their spring break. There is not an ounce of joy that can be read from their expressions. Maybe they were going for the “too cool to care” look with their dark sunglasses and emotionless face. The girl in front is trying very hard to suppress her laughter at the rest of the family and rightly so.